Texas Supreme Court Issues Major Ruling on Personal Injury Cases
Court decision fixes concerns addressed in SB 207 AUSTIN—The Keep Texas Trucking Coalition (KTTC) today released the following statement regarding Senate Bill 207, which addresses abusive practices in commercial vehicle lawsuits by allowing relevant evidence to be presented to juries about the true value of healthcare services provided to the plaintiff, not just the amount […]
Statement on Senate Passage of HB 19 by Leach
Senate Sponsor: Larry Taylor AUSTIN—The Keep Texas Trucking Coalition (KTTC) today released the following statement regarding the passage of House Bill 19 by the Texas Senate on a unanimous bipartisan vote of 31 to zero. The Texas Senate has taken decisive action today to stand with Texas small businesses against abusive, job killing lawsuits by […]
Statement on Senate Transportation Committee Passage of HB 19 by Leach
Senate Sponsor: Larry Taylor AUSTIN—The Keep Texas Trucking Coalition (KTTC) today released the following statement regarding the passage of House Bill 19 by the Senate Transportation Committee on a unanimous, bipartisan vote: Today’s unanimous favorable vote by the Senate Transportation Committee further proves that House Bill 19 is good, common sense, bipartisan governance at work. […]
Statement on House Passage of HB 19 on Third Reading
AUSTIN—The Keep Texas Trucking Coalition (KTTC) today released the following statement regarding the passage on third reading of House Bill 19 by the Texas House of Representatives, on a vote of 81-49: Texas relies on commercial vehicles, and the House’s passage of HB 19 is further proof that the Texas Legislature will take common-sense steps […]
Statement by the Keep Texas Trucking Coalition on House Passage of HB 19
AUSTIN—The Keep Texas Trucking Coalition (KTTC) today released the following statement regarding the passage on second reading of House Bill 19 by the Texas House of Representatives: The Texas House has taken an important step to ensure our legal system provides appropriate remedies for injured Texans without allowing rampant lawsuit abuse to wreak havoc on […]